Our new Directors of Missions are Dick and Illys Reeves. Being missionaries themselves they have a heart for missions and have started an Adopt-A-Missionary ministry at Ocean Breeze. If you feel led to adopt your own missionary, know that the commitment would be for one year and it doesn't involve sending money, but corresponding with your missionary to let them know they're being prayed for. Our Sunday School classes have adopted the following missionaries:
The Sunbeams Class (grades 1-3) has adopted David Sloan missionary to the Ukraine.
The Pioneer Class (grades 4-6) has adopted the Case Family in Mexico City
The Conquerors Class (grades 7-8) has adopted Darrell Murphy, an evangelist
The Ambassadors Class (grades 9-12) has adopted the Trimble Family in the Philippines
They have been chosen from the missionaries Ocean Breeze supports. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves said there are still more missionaries to adopt. Let Dick or Illys know if you're willing to adopt a missionary of your own.