It' almost here!  It's one of the highlights of the year at Ocean Breeze Baptist Church -- it's OLD FASHIONED SUNDAY and it will take place this coming Sunday, October 5th.  Things are a little different this year so here's the schedule:

10:30 am  -- One GIANT service -- Note:  No Sunday School!
                     We'll have all of the favorites - Costume Contest,
                     Hallelujah Offering, Singin' & Preachin' as well as
                     a rumored visit from Widow Magnolia!  EmojiEmoji    

                    There will be a Primary Church & Jr. Church for the
                    kids and a nursery provided as well.

3:00 pm -- We'll give you a chance to go home, change from
                   your "Sunday-Go-To-Meeting" clothes and relax a
                   spell.  Then you'll want to return for and old-fashioned
                   Dinner-On-The-Grounds.  There will be lots of fun and
                   games for the kids and adults as well.  It will be a great
                   time for you to fellowship with your church family.

The weather is looking good!  Plan to attend and bring all your friends and neighbors!  I'll see you Sunday with....

An Old Fashioned Bible in my hand,

Pastor Kevin Birdsong

I Corinthians 4:2